On 20 March 2024,, The government of Australia has recently announced important changes to the English language requirements on Student & Temporary Graduate Visas program

New English language requirements for Student and Temporary Graduate visas

The change was announced as part of the Australian Government’s Migration Strategy and applies to all Student and Temporary Graduate visa applications on or after 23 March 2024

The minimum score required increases and the test validity window decreases. This ensures all students can transition successfully into their main course, with the appropriate level of English. For more information on changes to the requirements, please refer to official website at https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au

Important changes to the
Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding (FRCGW) tax scheme

On December 13, 2023, The Federal Government has announced several significant changes in its Mid-Year Ecnomical and Fiscal Outlook report.

FRCGW tax will increase from 12.5% to 15% with threshold drop from $750K to $0

On 11 December 2023, the Federal Government announced its Migration Strategy for the next 10 years.

Home Affairs reveals Australia's new Migration Strategy

Student and Graduate visa requirements are being strengthened

On 23 November 2023,, The government of Australia has recently announced important changes to the immigration rules on Partner Visa program

New changes announced to Australia’s Partner Visa program

There is no longer a distinction between “onshore” and “offshore” Partner Visa
applicants for the purpose of granting the visa

The new amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994 means that all Partner visa applicants can now be granted a visa regardless of whether they are inside
or outside Australia at the time of decision. The changes apply to all visas granted on or after 24 November 2023, including those lodged prior to the changes being made.


The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs has made the decision to continue the previous exemption process relating to visa condition 8547, from 1 January 2024, while consultation on the Working Holiday program settings and reform process is underway in line with the recently released Migration Strategy.

This change allows Working Holiday Makers (WHMs) to work with any one employer for the duration of their visa without requesting permission. This applies to anyone in Australia who either holds any kind of WHM visa, regardless of when they arrive, or holds a Bridging visa with condition 8547 imposed.